Monday, 2 April 2007

passport radio

Los Angeles I'm yours. NOT.

it is not eassssy living in a kill some city, which is why I don't. I left Freiburg this morning and it was not the worst things in the world! I will see my friends again I feel it in my gut, and I trust my gut as much as George W. Bush does.

The train ride to Berlin was a little long but I made a good friend named Igor. Igor plays basketball for a professional team in Germany. Igor moved to Germany from Belgium for ball. Igor moved to Belgium from the Congo. check it. He was a really comfortable person to talk to but even then i fell asleep on him.

For the most part my experiences have been really good, I don't feel like I am offending too many people when i speak English (since I'm not in touristy parts of Europe), people have been very helpful because really its a little confusing using public transportation in foreign countries, it is and there is nothing more i can say about it.

My last day(yesterday) I was feeling "not fit" which is another way of saying I got too F***** up last night. The only thing you can do on a day like that is go see cute baby animals. Janos came out to play since he was "not fit" the day before and we went to the zoo, it was a beautiful day and I saw just as many cute families as cute animals. Its nice that families go to zoos, in fact I bet more families will go to zoos in the future when there are no more animals left in other places??

After we got enough of live animals we ate some in sausage form and went back to the city for some beer. I drank a beer that tastes like liquid gold!! A brewery in Freiburg makes this lemon beer that is just so refreshing it makes me want to get a case grab Maura, Steph, Sarah, and Erin and go to lake Padden with some floating noodles and build a commune. Either way it was very good and I think I can make it pretty easily with some Pilsner and maybe I can convince someone to make it a drink special at the Loo if its still alive whenever I return.

I'll be in Berlin for the week with sweet Alexandra, and I promised religion I would not keep her from her studies, but Berlin is cool and I'll check it out. I miss school and I got better grades than I expected in my classes!!
UMMMmmmMMMmm I'll be in the BG for easter holiday, I cant think of a better way to celebrate the resurrection of Christ than fighting eggs with my grandparents. Since my dad is not my competition I expect to choose the spartan egg as usual. You have no idea what I'm talking a b o ut

Well I must go, I have a bloody nose and I smell like European's love for smoking indoors. But that is the worst of it I promise. Love in the streets, blood in my nose. ciao

Meet Christoph and Beanie's Mother!!


Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness, I cannot believe that someone's else's family does that egg tradition also. Thank you, I do not feel so alone in that weird traditional anymore. ha.

nicole said...

annie you always seem to be in the coolest places doing the coolest things. that's coool. haha.

Anonymous said...

Hi honey, I loved the camels butts. But there is always one camel that decides to go the oposite way, uh. People act same way too. I have to keep your notes organized, hoping to capitalize some day by publishig them ,
lova ya,

Krasi will pick you up Friday night. party light

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unpredictable, continent
I need this because I love my parents