Sunday, 15 April 2007

farmer man

O hello internet right here in my home how im worried about your presence. O hey its my grandpa's 80th birthday. born 80 years ago today huh what that must feel like in your mind. he seems pretty calm and simple, my head would probably blow up at around 29. All this talking about my gramps reminds me of going out to eat and drink with his buddies last wednsday. I assume they are exactly how you would imagine really funny, complaining, old men to be like. Actually I bet they were having more fun with a girl there. I think at every age men compete for a womens attention, even if just to be a pair of ears. Big, hairy ears...well. Good jokes for sure. Someone, in my honor, ordered everyone these grand delicious ice cream sundays (sundaes?yummdays?) that had little sparkler toys for decoration, in front of my grandpa and another randomly landed the red did the waitress know they were the only retired communists at the table!!.

80 years old!! I dont believe it and you shouldnt either. call me a liar I have pictures here of him hiking with me. It was such a good couple hours. He showed me the way to the next village and then we did our usual hike up the river to the waterfall and up high to the woods and further to the meadows and then finally home, to enjoy the heartiest and quietest of meals. This will be our last trip to the high hills(unless we sneak one in somewhere) for a while. I have some bizznass to take care of and hey my friends found me today. I got a surprise visit from Stephi, Theodora, and Antonia. We went and got some coffee but it only made me wish we were only just 12 and not missing half of our company. My dearest pal, Xana, is in england doing here thing, and well others are doing crooked things. dog bless them. On Wednesday I leave Plovdiv for Varna. If only I can stay away from its filthy beaches and long as I can because the thought of frying like a fish on a beach for hours doing nothing is starting to make me feel....
everything has its beauty. really, maybe everything except Maura's broken leg.

Two more weeks Or so in Bulgaria and I get to sleep next to some warm bodies! Callie, Kendall, Claire, and Lulu are going to be in the r e g i o n and I'm meeting them in Greece. I've never really thought much of the place but I think things will be much different, and I've never been to Macedonia or Croatia (new new new). Then they are coming here with me, to the BG, to help deplete my grandparents supply of canned fruit and goods that would suffice all of the Bulgarian troops in Iraq(143) for the next 10 years that it continues. yippie.

Enough, my words are getting difficult.
whatever is playing right now on KUGS (2:03 pm) sounds just like bulgarian chowga get it off!
arg peace out, peacefuls

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

SOOOO MANY PICTURES and writing...

So little time.

I love you.

~Van Wack~

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unpredictable, continent
I need this because I love my parents