Friday, 30 March 2007

I've spent a lot of money, Paris Hilton would be proud

I'll tell you what.
buying plane tickets to obscure cities because they are cheap really works your nerves%$^&*()
I'm in Baden Baden, Germany. if you've never heard of it, its ok me neither but im here!!
in the airport, and i have nothing to say about it except you can walk from one end to the other in 45 seconds. I'm so jealous for Seatac it has quite a ways to go before it can serve people so efficiently. Also people are smoking everywhere making feel like we should be running out the doors due to fire.

I regret two things(maybe): bringing too much stuff to legitimately "backpack' Europe
hurting myself + copious amounts of medication + I lose all my pounds, euros, oyster cards + I dont even remember parts of the first couple days here. ooops.

because of regret #2 i forgot about how lucky i was to meet friends in the citay. Who knew three bremerton girls could spend so much time at harrods in the sweets section. my boy knows.

Well i guess im on to somwhere, London was Heres some pictures of the flat i crashed at, heck they gave me my own room which is high living compared to what im set out to do. destroy!!! just kidding.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

YOU have been in Baden baden when you were 4 years old!!!!!! Another one with same name

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unpredictable, continent
I need this because I love my parents